Add a contrasting edge with a two color cast on
Casting on with this two color cast on adds a narrow edge in a contrasting color.
Knitting a contrasting edge on a solid colored sweater makes it a little more interesting to look at without the need to add a lot of colorwork patterns.
Or, you may want to use this cast on to frame and match a colorwork pattern like a pair of fair isle mittens for example.

How to: Make a two colored cast on edge
As many other cast ons, this two colored method is a variation of the Long tail cast on. But instead of using the long tail and the working yarn, we use the working yarn and a contrasting yarn.
A benefit from using two strand instead of the long tail is that you wont run out of yarn, no more guesstimating!
I actually use this method with two strands of the same yarn when casting on big amounts of stitches.
First step
The first step is to tie the yarns together in a slip knot. The slip knot is not counted as a stitch, it’s only for attaching the yarn strands to the needle. The slip knot is taken off the needle and resolved after the cast on is done.
You find a tutorial on how to make a slip knot in this post!
If you know you’re a tight knitter it’s a good idea to cast on over two needles held together. The stitch need to be a bit on the loose side for the contrasting yarn loops to really show off.
Second step
Hold your yarn in the left hand with the contrasting color over the thumb, and the main color over your index finger. Both strands are then held in place and tensioned with your other fingers.
The needle should be in your other hand.
Third step
Insert you needle tip under the strand that is in front of your left thumb. Then move the needle tip into the loop of contrasting yarn
Fourth step
Now you should pick the main color yarn and bring it with you back through the contrasting yarn loop to form the first stitch. Tighten the stitch if needed, but not to much!
Repeat the third and forth steps to make more stitches.
Start knitting
The nice contrasting color effect is on the right side of your work.
That means that if you’re knitting in the round you can just join (after you removed the slip stitch!) and start knitting.
But, if you’re working flat you want to start your work on the wrong side, or just start with a purl row.
Remember not to knit into the slip knit at the end of the first row. Just let it slip off your needle and resolve it by pulling the yarn.
Knitting video: Two color cast on
Sometimes it’s easier to watch someone do something than only read about it. Therefore I make short knitting videos to go with my blog posts!
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